It’s only human to put your foot in your mouth every now and again. We’re all guilty of speaking before we think on occasion. Saying something we shouldn’t at a party for instance, or saying one to our friends when we actually mean something else. But then again, as long as you’re in the company of people you know, there’s a good chance everyone will know you didn’t mean it like that, and not take it the wrong way.
Celebrities on the other hand, are trained to be more careful. They are briefed on how to handle media relations, and so really, shouldn’t be as susceptible to making the slip-ups us normal people make on a regular basis.
Despite this, however, many of them do manage to say the unimaginable when addressing a public forum. You might think that celebrities have it hard, that media outlets are only too eager to take what they say out of context and misconstrue it. But some celebrity verbal foul-ups are just completely inexcusable.
Here are our top celebrity faux pas of recent years, which were so painful and agonisingly cringe-worthy they almost warranted a trip to the doctor:
Karl Lagerfeld
The head honcho of Chanel, a global fashion institution no less, put his foot right in it when passing comment on international singing sensation Adele. Sure enough, he was full of praise for her talents, saying that she had a ‘divine voice’, as well as opining that she had a ‘beautiful face.’ But almost in the same breath, he also said she was ‘a little too fat.’ Ouch. The fashion guru issued an apology soon after.
Patrick Stewart
Nothing fazes Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Starship Enterprise, right? He’s fought off aliens from across the galaxy, and even saved the human race from certain destruction as Charles Xavier. So what could possibly cause this man to lose his cool? Enter, James Corden. It was at the Glamour awards in 2010 where Stewart, tiring of Corden’s apparently shabby hosting style, berated the heavy-set comedian on-stage, saying: ‘From where I was sitting I can see your belly. And that was right over there at the back of the room.’
Lee Ryan
This one has to be our favourites, and an example of why many stars should have their Twitter accounts managed by media professionals. In 2012, as reported by Digital Spy, the Blue singer tweeted that ‘If I [Lee Ryan] said what I [Lee Ryan] was really thinking […] the government would assassinate me [Lee Ryan] like all the other people they’ve killed.’ Ryan then seemingly went on to elaborate on his apparent conspiracy theories with talk of ‘legal gangsters’, and then went back to musing over his busy rehearsal schedule. Just, wow.
Amanda Holden
Amanda Holden. She’s been around the media for a few years now hasn’t she? She knows what to say and what not to say, surely? Apparently not. In November 2012, during the height of the Savile scandal, Digital Spy interviewed her and asked what her dream TV show would be. She responded that she ‘probably shouldn’t even mention it in this climate, but it would be like a kind of Fix It show.’ No, Amanda, you absolutely shouldn’t have even mentioned it.
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This article is written by Rick who unfortunately lost his previous job as a social media manager due to a tweet he made on the company Twitter account. He now works for UK Safe Meds as a qualified dispenser.
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