
Thursday, 5 September 2013

You might not be earning enough amount of money from your office job and so have decided to look for an extra source of income to meet your needs. The good thing is that there are some great ways to earn the extra dollars. You just need to decide on the area where you can use your skills.
One of the best ways is by reading books. Yes, you heard it right. Read the books, understand the characters and write a review to earn some extra bucks. More and more people are now choosing this profession and earning a pretty good income from it.

 Book Reviews

 When it comes to book reviews, you have the option to make money by using two ways. Either you can work for a company/firm or perhaps charge authors on the basis of the number of book reviews. When you are hired by a reputed company, you will be given a fixed salary to read and write the reviews. Your salary is usually predetermined.

But, you also have an alternative where you will be asked to write reviews on your website if
1. You have a popular website.
2. You have a strong social media connection.
3. You have a large network.
4. You may not have received comments from different users, but you have a huge Face book,
Twitter and YouTube following.
5. You may have an excellent influence on the groups or community where you live. You can decide on your own which books you want to review and can decide on the rates.

Affiliate Programs

 Have you heard about the affiliate programs? Yes, you can earn money by writing reviews for Amazon, Barnes, Noble and some other popular affiliate programs. Most of the affiliate programs usually offer the writer a certain percentage for the sale of each book. Therefore, it’s one of the quickest ways to earn some good bucks.
The amount you earn always depends on the number of books sold and sometimes it also depends on the program chosen by you.

Here, what you can do is submit a particular review to the book section of your magazine or perhaps some other online publications. The bad thing is you may not always get paid. If you don’t get the payment for the published review, you should be happy by seeing in your name in the byline. Now, you are an established writer. It will definitely make you happier. Isn’t it? Chances are that you may get hired by an online publication for the post of the book reviewer.


While there is no specific formula to help you succeed in your writing profession but it’s true that you can easily earn some quick bucks by writing reviews. However, before you join this profession, you should first decide about the kind of books you want to review. You can do an online research on the different sites which requires professional book reviewers and start earning some good money. This is the best job for people who love reading.

Happy Reading!


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