
Monday, 19 August 2013

Human Error- What Is It?
Do you believe that more than 90% of car collisions are due to human error? Remember, prevention is the key to enjoy a safe and smooth drive. Therefore, it’s very important for humans to take all the necessary precautions to prevent any kind of accidents or collisions. Nowadays, more and more companies are implementing different procedures to minimize the chances of any driving error.

How Can You Minimize The Car Collisions?
One can always minimize the risk of any kind of reverse crashes by asking a co-worker to give the right guidance to the drivers in the parking lot. It definitely sounds a reasonable approach to minimize the accidents. But, it’s the humans who only need to follow the rules.

In most of the cases, companies always blame the drivers for the accidents and take a linear approach towards this subject. When the subject is “unsafety”, they usually discuss about “human error” or “failure” etc. This is the very same approach which can be found in the other systems. For instance- It’s the driving test which is considered as a basic assessment test for driving competence but it fails to provide the right result.

Even when a driver has a safe driving record, they can still make mistakes because they are humans. Isn’t it? What research has shown in driver behaviour is that there are a lot of differences in driving competence- neither all the drivers nor they should be treated in the same way. However, most of the big firms or small companies treat them in the same way as “one size fits all” which is not true.

A Behavioural Approach- Driver Metrics
A completely new approach which mainly focuses on managing fleet driver risk is better known as Driver Metrics. This approach was first established in the year 2005. This approach mainly focuses on account organizational behaviour and a complete assessment of the driving behaviour. The fact which is always neglected is how drivers manage to ensure a safe and smooth road, striking the right balance in safety and driving safely under pressure.

Of course, you must be very well aware of the fact that achieving safety is not something easy but one needs to keep the safety practices and behaviour in mind. Driver Metrics also implements a completely holistic view due to the fact that fleet driver behaviour can usually be noticed under a complex system.

Understanding The “Behavioural Analysis”
According to the “behavioural analysis”, a lot of different individual responses are considered on the different traffic situations. In this analysis, there are three important aspects which have been targeted.
• Self-reported biased beliefs
• Behavioural risk
• Ineffective coping strategies
 A Completely New Approach About Driver Safety At Work
Some companies might not accept the new approach, but it’s the old method (better known as the time-served method) which is not giving any desired results. Remember, a complete behavioural analysis of the driver is a must if you want to enjoy a safe drive. Innovative thinking among all the clients has also helped to minimize the accidents.

Happy Driving!


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